Media Markt - World of products

Media Markt is a multinational business with over a thousand shops in Europe. With an experience of more than 40 years, Media Markt sells consumer electronics like household products (vacuum cleaner, stand mixer,..), televisions, music gear, games, laptops and tablets and many more.
How Media Markt implemented VR in their organization
Every year Media Markt organizes a come-together where employees can test and learn about upcoming products that Media Markt is going to sell. But due to corona they couldn’t have this event. This is when VR stepped in. With a Virtual World there was no contact but a new experience.
Our solution
As we were all in the same situation due to corona we saw an opportunity to give the employees of Media Markt an open world where they could roam free. With the idea that they are new products we gave their virtual world a futuristic twist where they would be in space and travel via a space shuttle.
The employee's would visit numerous pods (sort of space houses) with each a different product. Here they could interact with the product, read about it and watch a video. After they visited all the pods we gave them a little surprise by sending them to the fun zone where they would fight flying robots.
The results
We feel fulfilled by giving the employees of Media Markt a chance to roam free and also organizing their annual come-together. The set-up of the virtual world is timeless so it can be updated whenever they like and opens the door to connect the Media Markt community across Europe.
We are certain that this solution is not only for circumstances like corona but it can also be used as a team building with colleagues from other countries and contribute to relationships and the growth of Media Markt.
More projects

A virtual training module for the extrusion division which offers their employees technical basic training and allows them to learn the different steps in a process.

A VR training and simulation to optimize the assembly of an electric motor prototype.